The Mealtime Minutes videos are a series of public service announcements (PSAs) that provide real solutions to common family mealtime challenges. The 30-second PSAs help families create effective strategies to address these challenges and create quality shared time together. The PSAs have been broadcasted nationwide and have reached millions of homes.
Thanks to the Pampered Chef for supporting these videos.
Work/Life Stress
All too often, stress from the work day spills over into family time, which can adversely impact the physical and emotional health of family members. Parents report that not being able to balance work/life stress is a major barrier to shared family mealtimes. Watch the below PSA to learn how to better cope.
Sibling Conflict
While it is expected that siblings have some sort of disagreement up to four times an hour, families frequently identify this as a real barrier to family mealtimes. The solutions provided in the PSA below draw from the research of Dr. Laurie Kramer’s More Fun with Sisters and Brothers program.
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Positive communication is a crucial part of successful mealtime strategies and includes statements that share information among participants. This could include discussions about one’s feelings or emotions, discussion on beliefs, or about other interests outside of the food being served. Friendly joking alongside the talks about life and family events are encouraged. The below PSA highlights the importance of positive communication and how to foster it.
Power Up
The average 8- to 10-year-old child spends nearly eight hours a day using some type of screen media, while teenagers use screen media for more than 11 hours every day. Excessive screen media has been associated with an increased risk of obesity and poor sleep habits. As noted in the PSA below, limiting the amount of screen-time entertainment for children and teenagers can lead to healthier habits.
Picky Eater
Picky eating behaviors have been identified as a major barrier to having shared family mealtimes. Parents serve as important role models in helping children develop healthy eating habits, which is especially important as food preferences are formed early and remain stable throughout childhood. Watch the below PSA to learn more.
Pester Power
Children between the ages of 2 and 11 view more than 12 food advertisements daily on TV. Unfortunately, more than 70% of these ads promote unhealthy food. A recent national survey reported that parents believe the media has a negative influence on their children's eating habits. This can in turn lead to making grocery shopping a frustrating experience, as over half of the food requests from children while shopping are for sweets and snacks. Parents often yield to this pestering, but see how you make grocery shopping fun with your kids—while selecting healthier foods—via the below PSA.
Managing Strong Emotions
Cranky children at the table rarely begins the moment they sit down. By watching the below PSA, parents can start to recognize how to change the patterns that set the stage for these unwanted behaviors.
Many parents report that meal preparation is stressful. Planning ahead can help reduce feelings of stress and fatigue and lead to a better overall experience. Get tips via the below PSA.
Cooking With Kids
Adults who develop cooking skills tend to enjoy cooking more. Children who learn cooking skills are more likely to increase their consumption of more nutritious foods, including fruits and vegetables. Cooking together helps create family traditions and provides opportunities to share family stories. Learn more via the below PSA.
Control the Chaos
It's easy to have your attention diverted away from a meal. Things like answering the phone or door, leaving the table to retrieve something for the meal, or watching television serve as a deterrence to successful mealtimes. Therefore, it's important for families to develop strategies for overcoming or avoiding these distractions and enjoying meals together. See how via the below PSA.