
Diet quality and antioxidant intake have shown promise as potential intervention strategies to reduce the adverse effects of air pollutants in populations with asthma. However, little is known about how diet modifies the effects of air pollutants on obesity-related systemic inflammation. This project will investigate how diet quality, antioxidant intake, or weight status modify relationships between particulate matter (PMOP) and inflammation in children. The study will lay the foundation for future epidemiologic studies and personalized nutrition trials aimed at improving children’s health and wellbeing.

Research Team

Sheena Martenies, Principal Investigator, Department of Kinesiology and Community Health
Vishal Verma, Co-Principal Investigator, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Naiman Khan, Co-Principal Investigator, Department of Kinesiology and Community Health
Brenda Koester, Co-Principal Investigator, Family Resiliency Center

Sheena Martenies


Funding for this research was provided in part by the Personalized Nutrition Initiative at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign through the Seed Grant program.